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Autumn delight on the Scheinbergspitze

Autorenbild: Denise von BerglichtDenise von Berglicht

It's not even day when we meet at the Donnersbergerbrücke.

Shortly before Garmisch, the fog lifts.

We are ready to start.

After a short walk on a service road, we go up a beautiful trail through the forest.

Lots of small mushrooms on damp ground.

We are still in the shade but the summit of the Ammergauer Kreuzspitze is already illuminated by the sun.

After half an hour we are in the warming rays of the sun.

What a wonderful October day!

We need a break to drink and eat a snack.

Happy hiking.

Still 300 meters of altitude to reach the summit.

These grassy slopes are quite steep.

Then we even have to scramble a little.

Later it gets easier.

The Zugspitze behind the Kreuzspitze.

Here we have to take a photo break and enjoy the view.

With this fantastic weather, the mood is just incredibly good.

View towards to the Hochplatte.

View towards slightly dirty legs.

View into the Graswang valley and the fog over Oberammergau.

There a still a few steep steps to overcome.

The summit is not far any more.

We have to descend a short, but quite slippery path.

The last steep and rocky ascent to the summit.

Almost done!

On the Scheinbergspitze :-)

The fog below us.

After an extensive, sunny summit break, we set off on the descent.

What a beautiful summit with a great panoramic view!

Between the mountain pines it gets almost too warm.

Scrambling down.

In the wonderful autumnal forest.

Beech leaves.

Back at the parking lot.

One more pirouette to finish.

All backpacks into the bus.

And back into the fog ;-)

A perfect day in the mountains. With a grin on our faces we drive back into the fog.

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