Denise von Berglicht

2. Mai 20211 Min.

You can go hiking in almost any weather


On the Farrenpoint, May1, 2021

Hiking in the fog can be amazing. If you walk on safe and good trails,

you can do really nice hikes even in cloudy weather.

On the hike to Farrenpoint (link in German) it is impossible to get lost.

The 700 meters of altitude can be done in two or two and a half hours.

The trail is easy to walk, well signposted and mostly on wide forest paths.

However, you have to expect muddy boots and trouser legs ;-)

If you want to extend the hike on some smaller trails

and you easily orient yourself with a map or a cell phone,

you can also take the route I did yesterday.

Details can be found in my post in the Tourentipp portal (link in German).

Of course the hike is even more joyful in glorious sunshine!

Then you will have wonderful views in all directions.

From Farrenpoint you have a wide view into the plains towards Munich.

If you turn around, you can see the Wendelstein

and across the Inn valley the prominent Kaisergebirge.

The hike can also be reached by train. Get off the train in Brannenburg

and walk about 3.5 km (1h) to the Sagbruck parking lot.

Maybe this suggestion will shorten the time

until we will be able to meet for group hikes again.

I will keep you informed via the newsletter about any news!

Many greetings,


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