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Through the Pfanngraben gorge to the Rotwand

Best weather forecast for a tour this long. Summerly warm with no expected thunderstorms.

The 9-Euro ticket is filling trains and buses, but we take it easy.

Despite the delays, we catch the bus and start our tour at the beautiful Waitzinger Alm.

At first we walk on a comfortable, wide path. Only this small obstacle is to overcome.

The path becomes narrower. Deep below us, small waterfalls splash into magnificent pools.

At one point we come closer to the water and who wants gets a refreshment ;-)

A stone bridge leads over a branch of the Pfanngraben gorge.

Unmissable inscriptions at the Winterstube:

<- left to the Rotwand, right to the Spitzing lake ->.

One last, beautiful view of a few of the many Gumpen (pans) that have given the gorge its name.

We leave the Pfanngraben gorge and climb uphill through dense forest.

Heavy rain has washed away the path across a stream. People are working to repair it.

Great Masterword (Astrantia major) with a small visitor.

Great view from the Kümpflalm.

In the shade of a tree we settle for a snack.

You can see the Zugspitze from here.

Enjoying our snacks.

We are not alone ;-)

We continue on a steep path decorated with flowers.

Suddenly we can see the Großvenediger!

Further. Upward.

The Rotwandhaus sits on a rocky balcony.

We climb up to a saddle point from which we have a glimpse of Lake Chiemsee.

We walk further and further.

We leave the Rotwandhaus behind and take the path up to the Rotwand.

The Rotwandkopf and its neighbors are spectacular. We will later take the path just under the Rotwandkopf to reach the Taubenstein.

Very short and funny scramble just below the summit.

At the summit, huge numbers of winged ants have gathered for their nuptial flight. Let's leave quickly after the obligatory group shot on the summit.

We hike to the next saddle point: the Kirchstein, populated by sheep and cows.

Through blooming alpine meadows we walk towards the Taubenstein.

At the Taubenstein some of us feel like taking the short scramble of a few minutes. Others prefer to wait comfortably at the large boulder at the bottom of the path.

The Taubenstein, the second summit today.

View from the Taubenstein to the Schönfeldalm huts and the Jägerkamp. Behind the Jägerkampf you can see the Brecherspitze.

Down there on the other side of the Taubenstein lies the Taubensteinhaus. This is our next destination.

Short scramble down from the Taubenstein.

Lots of oncoming traffic from international exchange students who took the cable car to get here.

Strawberries along the way.

Steeply downwards.

There it is!

The Taubensteinhaus. Small, but nice! And since recently part of the Munich Alpine Club!

Enjoying our drinks and and the delicious cake. Just perfect for today!

On our way back to the valley.

Almost back at Spitzingsee.

We reach the parking lot of the Taubensteinbahn a few minutes before our bus arrives.

That was a long hike! 7.5 hours worth every minute!


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